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The Municipality of Suto Orizari has opened READING ROOM for Roma students

Today, for the first time in the municipality of Suto Orizari, was opened a Reading room for the needs of the Roma students.

The Reading room, which is based in the High School ,,Shaip Jusuf”, was opened with the support of the local self-government, in cooperation with High School “Shaip Yusuf”, and as an initiative of the Roma students.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Shuto Orizari Kurto Dudush addressed the opening, which in his presentation pointed out that the reading room opens for the needs of the students in order to provide space for studying.

,,The municipality is open to all students requests that are within our competences”. The Roma Youth students need to be an example for the younger generations “, said the Mayor Kurto Dudush.

The Educational Adviser Ramisa Sakip expressed her gratitude to the Director of High School “Shaip Yusuf” and for his collaboration.

We make roads for future generations. Be there where you think that you have the greatest potential and capacity and so everyone will look at you. ” said educational adviser Ramisa Sakip.

It is necessary to improve the communication between high school students and university students, because it brings about the transfer of experiences, mutual motivation and creation of quality staff.

Mutual support is most important to achieve success in this process.