* The members of the council are elected for a term of four years. They represent the citizens and decide in the Council on their own assurances. A member of the Council can not be revoked.
According to Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Law on Local Self-Government
the Council:
1. Adopts the statute of the municipality and other regulations;
2. Adopts the budget of the municipality and annual account of the municipality;
3. Determines the amount of own sources of income for financing the municipality, within the frames determined by law;
4. Establish public services within the competence of the municipality and supervise their work;
5. Appoints members in the management boards of the public services that it establishes;
6. Adopts work programs and financial plans for financing public services, established by the municipality;
7. Adopt reports on the execution of the budget and the annual account of the municipality;
8. Decides on the manner of disposal of the ownership of the municipality;
9. Adopts the reports on the work and annual accounts of public services, of the local self-government;
10. Decides on the manner of disposal of the ownership of the municipality;
11. Decides on the manner of conducting financial control of the municipal budget, in accordance with the law;
12. Elect the person managing the regional unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the municipality, in accordance with the law;
13. Review and adopt the annual report on public security on the territory of the municipality, which it submits to the Minister of the Interior and the Ombudsman;
4. Can give recommendations to the manager of the regional unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the area of public safety and traffic safety; and
15. Performs other activities determined by law.
(2) If the council does not adopt the reports referred to in paragraph (1) items 7 and 9 of this article, it may initiate a procedure for carrying out control over material and financial operations before the competent supervisory authority.
(3) The managing person referred to in paragraph (1) item 12 of this article is elected if a majority of all councils of the municipalities, which includes the regional unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have voted for him.