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Direct assistance to patients with Covid19 – disinfectant package, food package, vitamin therapy package and pulse oximeter



The citizens of the municipality of Suto Orizari will have the opportunity to receive direct assistance intended for people infected with the COVID 19 virus starting in December and will last for the next 3 months.


The package consists of disinfectants, food package, vitamin therapy package and pulse oximeter (measurement of the amount of oxygen present in human blood)


In a total value of € 50,000, a donation from the Roma Initiative Office / Open Society Foundation Berlin, the Institute for Research and Political Analysis – Romalitico and the Avaja Civic Initiative.

Any socially endangered family in which there are positive Covid family members is of immense help to this type of support.

There is a need everywhere, not only in Suto Orizari, and donor assistance is short-lived, so we propose and appeal to increase state engagement in this direction as one of the effective measures to prevent the consequences of Covid 19, especially among the most vulnerable categories of citizens. . With such measures directly to the citizens, we will have even more visible results in dealing with the pandemic!