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Project for interethnic integration in elementary schools in Suto Orizari

The Municipality of Suto Orizari as supporter of the two elementary schools ,,Braka Ramiz-Hamid” and  ,,26th od July” is involved in the implementation of the project for he Interethnic Integration in Education supported by the Program for promoting the multiculturalism, interethnic integration and tolerance at the Ministry of Education and Science (PIOM).

The project for interethnic integration in education is intended to implement joint student activities in elementary schools that contribute to development and promote multiculturalism, interethnic integration and tolerance.

The first together extracurricular activity of this project was realized on 25.04.2019 in the primary school ,,Braka Ramiz-Hamid” on topic: ,, My hygiene, my responsibility”.

The coordinators of the activity were Ms. Berna Bekiroska and Ms. Azemina Huredinovska, teachers in Macedonian language at the primary school ,,Braka Ramiz-Hamid” and Ms. Fatime Laci, teacher in Albanian language from the primary school “26 July.

In the implementation of the activity, 52 students in total, from third grade from both schools were enrolled, including 26 students from the Macedonian language of instruction and 26 students from the Albanian language and as well as 10 parents of the students.

The aims of the activity were: to develop awareness of the necessary to maintain personal hygiene among all children, to encourage regular practice of hygienic habits that are the same for all students, to know that hygienic maintenance is important for one’s own health, and  for health to those in close surroundings, it is perceived that the maintenance of basic personal hygiene is the personal responsibility of every child and to make acquaintance, cooperation and encourage friendship among students from both schools.

This activity had more effects because the children met and learned how to socialize, collaborate and help one another, learn new words in the language of their friends, they also realized that hygiene was their personal responsibility and directed and encouraged to nurture positive hygienic habits, common and equal for all children, regardless of which group they belong to.

It has also achieved greater cooperation and complementarity among teachers, as well as involvement of parents, their acquaintance and personal engagement within the framework of achieving common goals.