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PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT for unemployed beneficiaries of Guaranteed Minimum Assistance (GPM) – Required Occupations Training – IPA

The Employment Agency is implementing the IPA project “Activation of Vulnerable Groups in the Labor Market”, funded by IPA funds under a Grant Agreement.

Within the project, and in accordance with the Operational Plan for active programs and measures for employment and labor market services for 2020. several measures intended for a vulnerable category of persons are being implemented.

For that purpose, the Agency announced a Public Call on 08.10.2020. for unemployed persons – GMP beneficiaries, who are interested in participating in the measure.

The announcement is active from 08.10 – 22.10.2020. and is intended for unemployed persons – beneficiaries of guaranteed minimum assistance (GMP). Public announcement for the measure “Trainings for demanded professions” for activation of the beneficiaries of guaranteed minimum assistance in the labor market.

Attached is the call: