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Workshop on topic : ,, My Hygiene – My Responsibility” was held in both elementary schools in Suto Orizari

Within the project for inter-ethnic integration in education in the two elementary schools in the Municipality of Suto Orizari, was conducted a workshop ,, My Hygiene – My Responsibility”.

The goals of this project activity are to develop awareness of the need to maintain personal hygiene, to encourage regular practice of hygienic habits, to gain knowledge for proper maintenance of their own health, and of the health in their own environment.

Also, through this workshop, the students had the opportunity to understand the personal responsibility for maintaining a personal hygiene, to cooperate, to get to know each other and to develop friendship, even though they attend different schools.

Guided by the motto,, hygiene is half health,” students begin to develop this awareness through the project that the maintenance of personal hygiene as well as the formation of positive hygiene habits from the youngest age mean prevention of many diseases.

Exactly this type of workshop that leads to the goal that brings together harmonious relationships that are based on differences, building a solid and healthy multiethnic society.

Teachers from both schools ran the activity by speaking in their mother tongue.

Through the activities carried out by teachers, through the games and answering questions by students and parents, the goal of the workshop was achieved.